Tuesday, August 31, 2010


Hi there! It's been awhile since I've posted, but that is because I've been so busy! Between full time work and being in a rock band (which is currently #8 on the Madison rock charts!), I don't have too much time. But there haven't been any large occurences to report ... but I did find myself thinking yesterday that it is so weird that I haven't consumed any meat in almost 2 years, which then got me thinking that I feel a slight disappointment whenever someone mentions they are eating something and there is turkey on it, or chicken. Not sure if all vegetarians feel that way, but I think it is just disappointment in society, not the individual (most of the time). I think it is because we are forced to think it is good for us, and cutting it out is abnormal, and that they lower prices of meat and raise prices of health food, of NATURAL food ... doesn't it cost more to put the food through processing and add hormones and chemicals than just sell it natural? What are your thoughts on this?

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