Wednesday, July 7, 2010

First Post

Hello all!

I am a vegetarian and have been for a little over a year now, and will never go back to eating red meat. I guess the specific title is "pechatarian" because I eat seafood and dairy, just not red meat or chicken, etc. However, I've been having a hard time ever since I started due to other people either rubbing it in my face or just being naive, and am surrounded by these kinds of people daily, so I was hoping to make some friends on here that are like me, wanting to be healthier and respect animal's rights and the like. I'd also like to get some advice on what to say to people who are rude to me and my husband, also a pechetarian with me, about our life choice. So add me !


  1. It depends on what the rude people are saying exactly. I usually say that I don't believe in killing animals for food, and that's that. They can't argue with what I believe in. Being a veg is tough, but you've been doing it longer than I have.

  2. I mostly get things like the following when I say I'm vegetarian:

    "Well, that's great, I'm meatatarian!"
    "Mmmm this chicken is so good, do you want any?? You know you do!"
    "I'll give you $100 to eat this burger! No, $200!"
    "Oh, no I won't try your tacos with fake meat, I don't care if you can't taste the difference, I just need to eat meat, I can't pass it up ever!" (<--the one I get most annoyed about lately)
    "I love all kinds of meat. You can keep your vegetables."
    "Who cares about the animals? They are so damn good."

    The list is never ending, and new comments surface constantly. Have you heard any of these GiveGreenATry? If so, what have you said to them?

  3. Yes, I've heard most of those, and mostly from my own husband. You have to decide if it's really worth saying anything to them. With my hubby, it is because we both know we're joking. But some stranger may be very serious, and not appreciate the time and effort you put into a comeback. They are usually stuck in their ways, and nothing you will say will change it. However, here are some of the things I say to my hubby:
    "Meatatarian is SO caveman. Evolve already!"
    "the thought of eating that makes me physically sick"
    "take your money and buy yourself some manners"
    "Way to work yourself up to a heart attack!"
    and "You'd care if it were your cat or dog."
